New Article in Archivaria


I’m excited to announce my new co-authored article in Archivaria titled “It’s Not the Materials Themselves, It’s the Attitude of the Donors”: The Role of Community Accountability in the Sustainability of Queer Archives. It is co-authored with my collaborators Allan A. Martell (Indiana University) and Shannon M. Oltmann (University of Kentucky). You can view the article here.

Article Officially Out


My recent article in the Journal of Documenation titled “We are openly, proudly subjective…This history is important to our contemporary survival”: Queer embodied knowlege and the curatorial work of ICT-based LGBTQ+ history content creators” is now out in print. You can access the article here. I will also be presenting an extention of this work in a few weeks at ASIS&T during a paper presentation titled: “Social Media Has Been Helpful in Learning About Myself and Finding My Community”: The Affordances and Constraints of ICT-Based Qeuer History Content Creation.

Upcoming Poster Presentation


On October 15th, I will be presenting a poster at the annual Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) conference in Portland, Oregon. The poster is part of a collaborative research project between myself and two other library and information sciene scholars Alan Martell (Indiana University) and Shannon Oltmann (University of Kentucky). The project interviewed archival practitioners working at the intersections of queer and LGBTQIA+ archives to examine how their embodied identities and the collective memory of the HIV/AIDS epidemic impacted their work. The poster is titled: “Life is Too Short Not To Speak the Truth”: Framing Accountable Community Collaboration Within HIV/AIDS Archival Work.” A PDF of the poster will be forthcoming.

Recent Award


I am honored to announce that myself and Dr. Vanessa Kitzie from the University of South Carolina were the winner’s of this year’s ALISE/Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition for the Association for Library and Information Science Education. Our winning paper was titled “In Many Ways, You’re This Person Who’s Providing Light”: Theorizing Embodied Responses to Information Absence within LGBTQIA+ Communities.

You can learn more about the award here

Recent Publication


Check out my new co-authored article with Victora Van Hyning and Mace Jones titled Desire Paths in the Information Landscape where we take the concept of a collaborative writing document to interrogate questions of sustainability, inclusion, and access within digital archives and libraries. A screen shot of the chaos is shown below and you can find the full paper here.

Recent Publication


I recently dusted off an old Northeast Historic Film Summer Symposium presentation on archival collections containing police training films about home invasion prevention and relationships to whiteness and masculinity and published it within a recent Viewfinder Magazine edition focusing on concepts of the Home. I think the ideas are timely and speak to continued issues around access to the home, safety, and equity-based on the intersections of race, class, and gender. Feel free to read it here.

Recent Award and Publication


I am pleased to announce that along with the research team of Vanessa Kitzie, Jocelyn Pettigrew, and A. Nick Vera I have received the 2020 ALISE ProQuest Methodology Paper Award for our work titled Using the World Café Methodology to Support Community-centric Research and Practice in Library and Information Science.

The work has also been published within the most recent volume of Library and Information Science Research which is available here.

Recent Publications



Check out two new book chapters that I have co-authored. The first is a chapter titled Big U Knows Best: Patronizing Queer Campus Culture in A Guide to LGBTQ+ Inclusion on Campus, Post-PULSE. Many thanks to Gavin Weiser for working on this piece with me.

The second is titled Defining Community Archives within Rural South Carolina in Advances in Librarianship Volume 43: Rural and Small Public Libraries: Challenges and Opportunities. Many thanks to Bobbie Bischoff for co-authoring this with me.

Recent Publications




I am proud to announce that my article “The Old Ways are Best”: The Colonization of Women of Color in Bond Films has been included in the recently released book For His Eyes Only? The Women of James Bond. You can find more information about the text at the publication site.